Looking for the top reasons why editors and agents keep declining your book? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

For many years, Mike Nappa taught at writers’ conferences, revealing all the random reasons why publishers reject your books. The response was very heartening, so Mikey finally wrote it all down.

77 Reasons Why Your Book Was Rejected was published by Sourcebooks and became a handbook of insider knowledge about how books actually get selected for publication. (Spoiler alert: some reasons are actually petty and discouraging.)

The book went out of print a few years ago, so Mikey decided to share it all, for free, here on NappalandLiterary.com. That’s what this blog is: Literally, dozens of real-world reasons why publishers reject your books…

And what you can do about them.

All right writers.

Put on your big-kid pants and let’s get started.

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