Here’s where you can find out about Mike Nappa’s fan-favorite books! (You know, the ones where he got fan mail instead of hate mail.)

77 Reasons Your Book Was Rejected by Mike Nappa
77 Reasons Why Your Book Was Rejected
VeggieTales Super Comics Vo. 4
VeggieTales Super Comics Vol. 4
VeggieTales: LarryBoy and the Quitter Critter Quad Squad by Mike Nappa
VeggieTales: LarryBoy and the Quitter Critter Quad Squad
VeggieTales: Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush
VeggieTales: Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson’s Hairbrush
VeggieTales: Where's God When I'm Scared? adapted by Mike Nappa
VeggieTales: Where’s God When I’m Scared?
Growing Up Fatherless by Mike Nappa
Growing Up Fatherless
The Prayer of Jesus by Mike Nappa
The Prayer of Jesus
Lunch Box Laughs by Tony and Mike Nappa
Lunch Box Laughs
Zachary's Zoo by Mike & Amy Nappa
Zachary’s Zoo (I Can Read! Edition)