Focus: Long-term prayer needs

Before You Begin:

For this adventure you’ll need a separate picture of each family member, as well as blank paper, glue, and pens or pencils. You’ll also need a 3-ring binder.

The Prayer Time!

Give each person in your family his or her picture, along with a blank sheet of notebook paper and a pen or pencil. Have family members tape or glue their pictures at the top of the paper.

Ask family members to write two or three ongoing prayer requests that they have. These should be requests or goals that will need prayer for the next three to six months. For example:

  • A parent may have an ongoing request for patience.
  • A child may be in need of prayer in a continuously difficult school subject.
  • Someone may be in need of healing of a long-term illness or condition.

Help younger family members write their requests.

When the papers are completed, gather them together and place them in a 3-ring binder. Tell everyone this is now your Family Book of Prayer. Then place the binder on a coffee table or other convenient location.

Each morning for the next three to six months, turn the page to a different family member’s page. That person will be the focus of your family’s prayer that day. You can pray together as a family for the pictured person, or leave the book out for those who pass by to see as a reminder to pray.

Update the pages as needed, or every six months at a minimum. If you like, tell extended family members (aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins) what you’re doing, and have them send pictures and request pages to be added to your Family Book of Prayer as well.

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