Focus: Praying for children

Before You Begin:

Pick out a popular park or playground in your community that you and your children can visit.

The Prayer Time!

Visit a nearby playground or park where children gather to play. If your children want, allow them to join in the activities of the playground. Then sit in an inconspicuous spot and simply observe the kids for awhile as they run and tumble and laugh and cry.

When you’re ready, encourage family members to begin praying for a specific child on the playground. Use what you see in that child as a tool to focus your prayer.

For example, if you notice a child is particularly adventuresome and prone to take risks, pray that God would channel that adventuresome spirit into ways that would lead to the child discovering more about God. (You might also pray for that child’s safety and protection!)

Or, if you notice a child who often plays alone and seems disconnected from the other kids, you might pray that God would surround that child with people who can become deep, meaningful friends.

If you spot a child who is unkind, you could pray that God will change the heart of that person to be one that seeks Jesus and takes an interest in others.

If your children are playing as well, pray specifically for each one. If your children are sitting with you, have them join you in praying for those playing, being sure they have a chance to talk to God about the children they see.

As you pray, ask God to direct your prayers for each child. Finish your time with a prayer for all the children you see to experience God’s love in a tangible way throughout the rest of their lives. Pray for as many children as time allows.

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