Focus: Praying for people we admire

Before You Begin:

Before you come together for prayer, ask each family member to choose one person whom they admire or consider a hero or heroine. This could be a sports figure, singer, actor, politician, composer, scientist, teacher, and so on. If possible, have family members find an item that represents their heroes, such as their picture, an album cover, a copy of their latest book, and so on.

The Prayer Time!

When you’ve gathered together, take turns telling about your heroes. Share why these people are important to you, and what makes them heroes in your eyes.

After everyone has shared, take time to pray for each hero. For instance:

  • If you know the person is a Christian, pray that they’ll grow stronger in their faith and will continue to follow God.
  • If the hero is not Christian, pray that they’ll learn of God’s love and accept his forgiveness.
  • Pray for the families of your heroes, their careers, and the impact they have on those around them.
  • Ask God to help these people use their positions of influence for God’s glory and to help others.

Afterward, why not have your family take time to write to each person for whom you’ve prayed? In brief notes, express your admiration, and let your heroes know you’re praying for them. If you’d like to hear back from someone famous, include your name and address (a self-addressed, stamped envelope is always helpful too!).

If you don’t know the address of a famous person to which you can to send your letters, you can go a Google search for that information, or try sending your correspondence in care of a larger organization with which this person is affiliated. This may be the recording label for a musician, the team of a sports figure, the publisher of an author, and so on. Even if you can’t locate an address, keep praying for this person. God knows where they are!

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