
Mike Nappa

Dennis Edwards

Lee Oaks

About the Comic

A vigilante administers brutal justice on a pedophile priest. Could it be the legendary Sinner has returned?

It’s been one hundred and fifty years since the fabled Sinner dispensed his brutal brand of justice on Civil War slave traders and other wrongdoers. Surely he is long dead by now?

About the Creators

Mike Nappa is a bestselling and award-winning novelist, and creator of the popular Sharon Carter Rogers and Coffey & Hill series of suspense fiction. Learn more at

Dennis Edwards is an award-winning comic book and commercial artist, and co-creator of The Knuckler. He’s also known for illustrating the graphic novel Six Degrees of Kelvin.

Lee Oaks is a freelance artist in Colorado, and creator of Thunder Monkey.


  • Rated M: Ages 18 and up (for violence, language, and child endangerment)
  • ISBN: 978-1-939953-16-2
  • Price: $4.99
  • Release Date: 2023
  • Trim Size:
  • Length: 32 pages

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