Mike Nappa
Mike Nappa

Mike Nappa is a bestselling and award-winning author with millions of copies of his works sold worldwide. He’s also founding publisher of the Nappaland.com family of websites, including:
NerdFans E-Magazine
Bible-Smart™ online commentary (Q&A)
77 Reasons Why (blog for writers)

Mike is proud to be an Arab-American active in US publishing.

Read Mike Nappa in NerdFans

See All Nerdfans

Read Mike Nappa on BibleSmart™

See All Bible-Smart™

Read Mike Nappa in 77 Reasons Why

See All 77 Reasons Why

Read What Happens When Mikey Can’t Sleep

See All Mikey Can’t Sleep

“Mike Nappa is an old friend and a very talented writer. I recommend him highly.”
— Scott Derrickson
Director of Marvel Studios’ Dr. Strange

“Mike Nappa’s Annabel Lee is a fast-paced thriller … From the first chapter on, I found it impossible to put down.”
— Lois Duncan
New York Times bestselling author of I Know What You Did Last Summer

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